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She’s Only 6 Years Old But Her Whole Family Depends on Her

As the oldest of three children, Lili cooks, cleans and helps her mother Sarah who has scoliosis.

After preparing dinner, the 6-year old Lili warms up 2 bottles of milk. Once the milk gets warm, she takes it upstairs to her younger brother and sister, Tayler and Kylie. Despite all her chores, Lili also knows how to make pies, how to carefully use a knife and she also does the laundry.


Lili’s mother, Sarah, 37, has scoliosis. She needs a cane to walk and she’s in constant pain. Despite her scoliosis, Sarah also is bipolar. Tyler, Lili’s 3-year old brother is on medication for ADHD, and might have autism. Lili also takes care of her 2-years old sister, Kaya.

“Mom wakes me up at 7a.m. Of course I’m tired, but I have to get up, get dressed and make my brother and sister breakfast. Once they’re done eating, I bathe my mother and I help her get dressed. After I’m done, I go to school,” says Lili.


Unlike many children who complain about going to school, Lili loves school.

“The only time I feel a bit jealous of other kids is when I go to their houses to play and their mums start fetching them crisps and biscuits while they watch TV. I wish I could have more play dates, but it’s hard for Mummy to have extra children round.”

Watch the Lili’s story: