Did you know that there are parts of the body we actually don’t need? Yes, it’s true. Those body parts exist and they’re really useless.
Here are the 12 parts of the human body that we don’t need and that will disappear in the future:
1. Body hair
Brows keep the sweat away from our eyes and male facial hair are sexually attractive. Most hair on the human body has no function.
2. Wisdom teeth
Only 5% of the world population has these healthy and useless wisdom teeth.
3. Neck rib
This rib appears only in 1% of the population. It can often cause nerve and artery problems.
4. Male nipples
Nipples occur in both sexes, but men’s nipples have no purpose. They lack prolactin, which means that they lack lactation and can’t produce milk.
5. Extrinsic ear muscles
These muscles help animals such as dogs and rabbits, to move their ears independently.We have them but we can’t use them for anything.
6. Paranasal sinuses
No one knows why we have these troublesome mucus-lined cavities.
7. Appendix
It’s a narrow muscular tube attached to the large intestine, which serves to digest cellulose when our diet is consisted of more plants.
8. Thirteenth rib
Gorillas have an extra set of ribs. 8% of the adults have an extra rib.
9. Coccyx
The tail bone it’s all that’s left of the tail that mammals use for balance.
10. Third eyelid
People have a tiny fold in the inner corner of the eye.
11. Darwin’s point
It’s a small, folded point of skin toward the top of the ear.
12. Arrector pili muscles
These muscles allow the animals to puff their fur. Humans can do that too, it’s what we call goose bumps.