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15 Miraculous Essential Oils and Their Uses

No matter how much advanced allopathic medicine can get, other ways of curing diseases like homeopathy, herbal medicine and aromatherapy will never lose its place in the sector of healthcare. Of the many options that are available today, essential oils are a significant treatment option for all kind of ailments. Don’t believe me? Well in the next ten minutes, you would be amazed to know what essential oils are capable of doing to your body.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are purely organic compounds which are extracted from herbs and plants. They have been used for centuries because of their miraculous healing properties that improve both mental and physical health. Consumption of essential oils via oral intake, aromatherapy or topical application is equally popular and either of the approaches can be followed to get optimum results.

This article explains the uses and health benefits of some of the most effective and popular essential oils:


  1. Angelica essential oil

With its mind blowing carminative and diaphoretic properties, Angelica essential oil is proved to improve metabolism and purify blood. It is helpful in relieving menstrual cramps, stimulates the nervous system and is also good for general liver health.

  1. Anise essential oil

Anise essential oil is a great anti-septic and anti-spasmodic agent that is widely used in the treatment of sepsis, rheumatism, arthritis and congestion. It aids in the expulsion of phlegm and its anti-epileptic properties have made it the treatment of choice for individuals suffering from hysteria, epilepsy and other nervous afflictions.

  1. Basil essential oil

An excellent analgesic, anti-bacterial and carminative, basil essential oil is famous for its use in skin care and respiratory disorders. It fights stress, improves blood circulation and controls pain and intractable vomiting.

  1. Bay essential oil

Being an anti-neuralgic agent, it is an effective remedy for the treatment of severe trigeminal neuralgia. It is known to reduce hair loss, relaxes muscle spasms, eliminates toxins from the body via perspiration and relieves obstructive menstruation. Bay essential oil is also popular for the treatment of hemorrhage and fever.

  1. Benzoin essential oil

For all those who are fighting depression, this essential oil is all you need to bring your life back to normal. Benzoin oil is effective in uplifting mood, relieving stress, reducing anxiety and eliminating depression-causing neurotransmitters. It is an excellent sedative, anti-rheumatic agent and disinfectant which can be used to cure inflammation and improve circulation.

  1. Chamomile essential oil

It won’t be wrong to refer to chamomile as the king of all oils. There is hardly any system in the body that is not affected by its amazing benefits. It is an excellent remedy for spasms, obstructed menstruation, fever, infections and scar marks. Regular use can enhance liver function, improve metabolism, cure nervous system disorders and fight depression.

  1. Camphor essential oil

Camphor oil is a well known decongestant and helps fight infection and inflammation. It also acts as a local anesthetic and can be used to calm the nervous system in cases of hysteria and anxiety. Being an effective sedative, its use in nervous pathologies is highly recommended.

  1. Cardamom essential oil

Cardamom oil is an excellent remedy to counterbalance the adverse effects of chemotherapy. It maintains the health of the digestive tract and eliminates toxins from the body. It is also an excellent antimicrobial, antiseptic and diuretic agent.

  1. Cedarwood essential oil

Skin disease like seborrhea which is resistant to almost all allopathic treatments responds very well to Cedarwood oil. It is also effective in eliminating inflammation, removing toxins, healing wounds and maintaining hormonal balance of the body. Being an anti-spasmodic and sedative, it calms the nervous system and relieves spasms.

  1. Cinnamon essential oil

Being both an antifungal and antibacterial, it helps fight all sorts of infections. It is an amazing anti-clotting agent and has a cooling effect on the body. Its numerous uses include relief of respiratory disorders, skin infections, female cycle irregularities, heart diseases and indigestion. It is a powerful brain tonic and has been used to control labor pain for centuries. Research shows that regular use of cinnamon oil protects against colon cancer.

  1. Clove essential oil

Clove is a well known spice whose oil is used to cure dental problems like toothache, caries and infections. A few drops can provide relief from ear ache and respiratory distress. It is an excellent blood purification agent and strengthens the immune system in the long run.

  1. Ginger essential oil

If there is one ultimate remedy for chronic constipation using essential oils, it’s the famous ginger oil. It has great analgesic, antiemetic and laxative properties that have made it the oil of choice for all sorts of digestive issues. Apart from that, it improves memory, enhances skin color and eliminates microbial toxins from the body.


  1. Lavender essential oil

It is well known for its calming and sleep inducing properties. Lavender oil is an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent that is used in respiratory ailments, skin and hair care and insomnia. Regular use has found to strengthen immune system and improve urine flow.

  1. Lemon essential oil

As an anti-septic agent, it prevents the wounds from getting infected and fights infections throughout the body. It treats significant hair loss, hemorrhage and bleeding gums along with toning the body and restoring homeostasis

  1. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil exhibits a wide range of properties and is a universal choice for the treatment of pain, hair loss, constipation, fever, menstrual irregularities, congestion, hemorrhage, sepsis, numbness and many more ailments.