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The 30-Day Butt Challenge To Get Your Body In Perfect Shape

Challenge yourself this August and sculpt your butt in just 30 days.

This 30-Day butt challenge is divided into six 5-day sequences: (1) floor exercises, (2) squats, (3) ballet-inspired moves, (4) lunges, (5) lateral moves, and (6) explosive exercises. The first day of each sequence, you’ll only do one exercise. The second day, you’ll do exercises from Day 1 and Day 2. On Day 3, you’ll do the exercises from Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3. So by Day 5, you’re doing five exercises. Then, you’ll start the next sequence the same way. You are allowed to have a rest day.

Here is your plan for the 30-day butt challenge:

The-30-Day-Butt-Challenge-To-Get-Your-Body-In-Perfect-Shape-1 The-30-Day-Butt-Challenge-To-Get-Your-Body-In-Perfect-Shape-2 The-30-Day-Butt-Challenge-To-Get-Your-Body-In-Perfect-Shape-3 The-30-Day-Butt-Challenge-To-Get-Your-Body-In-Perfect-Shape-4

Floor Exercises

Day #1

Shoulder Bridge to Single-Leg Bridge

Lye on your back with feet planted flat on the floor and thrust hips into air. Do 25 thrusts. Lift one leg in the air; do 25 more reps. Then, repeat with the other leg.

Day #2

Kneeling Back Kick to Swimming

Kneel on all fours and kick one leg straight behind you. Do 25 reps on each side. Lye facedown, lift arms and legs off the floor. Move your arms and legs in a flutter-like motion for 8 to 10 breaths.

Day #3

Kneeling Back Kick to Side-Lift

Kneel on all fours and kick one leg straight behind you. Bring back to center, then lift one leg out to the side, hinging from the hips. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #4

Kneeling Roundhouse Kicks

Kneel on all fours and do a roundhouse kick out to the side. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #5

Kneeling Leg Lift to Isometric Diagonal Hold

Kneel on all fours and lift one leg up to the ceiling, keeping it straight and bending your arms. Pulse leg up and down for 25 reps. On the 25th rep, lower chest to floor, leg in the air. Hold for 30 seconds.


Day #6

Squat with a Diagonal Reach

Start with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bring your hands to your left foot as you perform a squat. Rising from squat position, reach arms up to the sky on your right side. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #7

Squat to Back Leg Lift

Perform a squat, lifting your leg out behind you on your way back up. Switch legs with every rep. Do 2 sets of 30 reps.

Day #8

Squat Jumps

Starting in squat position, bring fingertips to the floor. Jump up, reaching hands to the sky. Do 3 sets of 25 reps.

Day #9

Squat Side Taps

Remaining in squat position, tap one leg out to the side and bring back to center. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #10

Squat Lateral Shuffle

Starting in squat position, shuffle 3 times to the right and touch the ground. Shuffle 3 times to the left and touch the ground. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 10.

Ballet-Inspired Exercises

Day #11

Bent Squat

Perform a squat with feet wide apart, toes turned out, heels down. Do 25 reps.

Day #12

Folded Squeeze

Starting with heels together, step out to the side and lower into a squat. Return to center and repeat on the same side. Do 20 reps on each side.

Day #13

Plié Squat on Toes

Perform a plié squat with one heel off the ground. Do 25 reps on each side. Lift both heels off the ground and continue squatting for another 25 reps.

Day #14


Standing on right leg, extend left leg and right arm. Pulse leg up and down. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #15

Arabesque to Warrior III

Perform the arabesque exercise for 25 reps. On the same side, move into warrior III (stand on one leg and hold arms straight out in front of you so that your body forms a T shape). Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.


Day #16

Reverse Lunge with Front Kick

Step right leg back into a reverse lunge, punch arms forward. Kick right leg in front of you as you return to standing, moving arms to sides. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #17

Reverse Lunge to Front Kick to Single Leg Deadlift

Step right leg back into a reverse lunge, punching arms forward. Kick right leg in front of you as you return to standing, moving arms to sides. Remaining standing on your left leg, reach hands to toes to perform a deadlift as your right leg swings behind you. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #18

Chair Pose to Alternating Reverse Lunge

Standing with feet together, bend knees as if you’re sitting in a chair. Bring leg back to a reverse lunge. Continue alternating legs for 30 reps. Do 2 sets.

Day #19

Chair Pose Butt Burner

Starting in chair pose, step left leg out to the side. Return to center. Step left leg behind you. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #20

Chair Pose Side Steps

Begin in chair pose, arms out in front of you. Staying low in chair pose, take a giant step to your right, then quickly to your left. Do 20 reps. Repeat side-step motion for an additional 30 reps, imagining you are jumping over a box to up the intensity.

Lateral Moves

Day #21


Starting in squat position, step to your right leg to the right, sliding your left leg behind you, reaching your left arm across your torso. Jump to your left side, bringing your right leg back behind you. Do 50 reps total.

Day #22

Skate with a Cross Torso Floor Touch

Repeat the same skaters from Day 21, touching the ground with each rep. Do 50 reps total.

Day #23

Side Lunge to Balance Hold

Lunge out to your right side. Return to center, bringing your right knee up to a 90-degree angle and lifting arms in the air. Continue on right side for 25 reps. Repeat on left side.

Day #24

Side Lunge to Outer Thigh Leg Lifts

Lunge out to your right side, then return to center lifting your arms up to the sky. Do 20 reps. Lifting arms up to form a T, lift right leg straight out to your right side. Do 20 reps. Repeat on other side.

Day #25

Side Lunge to Warrior III Hold

Lunge out to your right side, then return to center lifting your arms up to the sky. Do 20 reps. Standing on left leg, hold warrior III position for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

Explosive Exercises

Day #26

Double Snap Kicks

Turning hips so they’re square with left foot, bring right leg up to a roundhouse kick. Kick quickly slightly lower than hip height, then bring as high as you can for a second kick. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #27

Side Kicks

Bringing knee to hip height, push out to a side kick. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #28

Balancing Back Kicks

Assume chair pose. Keeping weight on left leg, kick right foot back behind you. Do 25 reps on each side.

Day #29

Plank Walk-Ups R & L

Assume plank position. Bring left foot up to your hands and follow with right foot, so you’re in squat position. Step back into plank, leading with left foot. Repeat for 10 reps, leading with left foot. Switch for 10 reps, leading with right foot.

Day #30

Jumping Jacks and Power Jacks

Perform 3 traditional jumping jacks. Jump higher on the fourth for a “power jack.” Repeat 15 times.

Source: fitnessmagazine.com