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31 Facts You Won’t Be Able To Forget

The world is full of mysteries and every day we discover something new that surprise us. Do you want to learn some interesting facts about the world we live in?

Here are 30 facts that you won’t be able to forget:

1. Mosquitoes have killed more people than all wars.

2. The stars in the sky outnumber the grains of sand in the world.

3. We replace our entire skin on a monthly basis.

4. The most common used joint in the body is the jaw.

5. There are 1.6 million ants for every person on Earth.

6. One piece of space junk returns to the Earth every day.

7. Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.

8. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

9. There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.

10. Dolphins can call each other by name.

11. Every person walks the equivalent of 5 times around the equator in an average lifetime.

12. You can burn 1 calorie by clicking 10 million times on the mouse.

13. Ice cubes made from boiled water are transparent, while ice cubes made with tap water are white.

14. 99% of the planet’s gold is located in its core.

15. A cockroach can live a couple of weeks without its head.

16. Animals avoid power lines because they’re afraid of the ultraviolet flashes invisible to the human eye.

17. Starfish are not fish and killer whales are not whales.

18. Charles Darwin got the idea to attach wheels to his office chair so he could move around quickly.

19. An average adult contains the potential energy of 30 hydrogen bombs.

20. When we lose weight, the fat cells don’t disappear, they just change size.

21. Check if the diamond is real by breathing on it. If it fogs up, it’s fake.

22. The 3 most sold products in the human history are Harry Potter books, the Rubik’s Cube and iPhone.

23. The theoretical maximum height of a tree is 130 meters.

24. Besides the 5 senses, we also have proprioception, which is the awareness of the position of our body parts.

25. Getting struck by lightning can heat the skin up to 50.000 degrees Fahrenheit.

26. You can use the hand to remember the months with 31 days, Start counting the knuckles and spaces between them on the fist. The knuckle of your index finger is January (knuckle means 31 days), the space between your index and middle fingers is February (space means less than 31 days)and so on. After the little finger knuckle (July), count it again (August) and move in the opposite direction.

27. Paper cuts are more painful than regular cuts.

28. The mouth of a blue whale can hold its own body weight in water.

29. Scientists don’t know 99% of the microbes that live inside the human body.

30. The lighter was invented a decade before the match.

31. Strawberries are not berries. Bananas are berries.