Before choosing which school to enrol your kid in, you need to do exhaustive research, finding out as much as possible so that you can make an informed decision. The key is asking yourself what you and your child need from a school and then begin gathering information early.
In this article, we’ll run through the steps of finding an excellent school for your child.
Assessing your child’s unique needs
Every child is innately different in so many ways! Your child possesses so many qualities in common with others but differs exclusively. Your child may even seem to be many different people combined into one. Through the mixing of upbringing and genes, your child is a unique concoction of skills, needs, wants and motives.
This uniqueness in every child affects the kind of environment in which he or she learns best. As a parent, you have a natural sense of this. Regardless, many of us feel at a loss to comprehend and react to our own children’s unique capabilities, needs and personalities, so we need to try to find a school that offers a specific and measurable solution.
Finding a great fit
The challenge for parents is to find out which qualities, in their unique combination within their child, really matter for when finding the right school. Which of the child’s features will assist her best to learn and feel better in the school– with certain peers, teachers, materials, and expected ways of learning matters? Which of the child’s innate strengths and weaknesses can be mended at school, and which can be established at home?
When your family’s and your child’s needs fit well with what the school offers, the school can then be considered the right fit.
Focus on unique learning factors
We can focus on several characteristics that will have an impact on how well our child fare in different kinds of school environments. This quick list allows you to assess your child’s development. From all these information, a child’s character can be organized into four easy-to-grasp categories: These can be used to sort out your child’s (and later, your family’s) many features in a way valuable for classifying your school needs. These learning factors include:
- What Your Child Learns: These are aspects of your child that will affect what subjects and at what level of difficulty he or she needs to be taught at school. These include your child’s learning skills, other capabilities, and interests.
- How Your Child Learns: These are facets of your child that affect how a school should teach and relate with your child inside and outside the classroom. These include your child’s unique learning styles, inspiration, physical and mental health issues, behaviour concerns, learning disabilities and disorders, as well as self-understanding.
- Social Issues: This includes the need for social interaction with friends from the child’s perspective.
- Practical Matters: This includes crucial extracurricular activities that may be fascinating choice factors for some children.
Prioritizing your child’s needs
The steps above will help you define your child and easily choose a school where to enrol him or her. Not every public or private school matches a child. This is especially true if you’re an expat living in Singapore. In these cases, you should consider an international school for his or her education. The approach at international schools like Global Indian School is unique since rather than structuring the learning around a strict curriculum, they focus on learning experiences that will prepare students to be happy, balanced, productive and innovative citizens.
Most children have only a couple of characteristics priorities when selecting a school. Identify these, and you can start to focus on finding a right school for your child’s needs. We hope you find an excellent school for your child. Best of luck!