Buying a new leather handbag is a costly feat, with most leather purses costing upwards of $100 – and that’s not even taking the designer bags into account. It seems like a shame to toss an old leather handbag just because it’s faded, scuffed, or just plain boring.
With the right tools, you can not only bring your leather purse back to life, you can give it a new look. After all, leather handbags are known for their durability and timeless appearance, so why let that go to waste?
To revive your leather handbag, you’ll need a few things:
- Toothbrush
- Lint-free/microfiber cloth
- Warm water & soap OR leather cleaner
- Leather conditioner
- Leather dye
- Hair dryer
Step 1: Clean the bag
You’ll want to start by removing any dirt buildup from the surface of your bag. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to purchase a leather cleaning kit, which comes with a water-based cleaner, soft cloth, and sponge.
If you don’t want to invest in one of these, you can use a warm water and gentle soap concoction. Dip your lint-free microfiber cloth into the solution and wipe the surface. Or, you can dip your bag into the tub of warm water and soap, let it soak, and then wipe it dry with the cloth. This latter method is good for excessive dirt buildup.
Note that a little bit of the dye on the surface of the purse may come off in this process. Don’t panic! This is normal.
Step 2: Remove scuffs & scratches
With the bag clean and some of the old dye washed off, deep-set cuts, scratches, and scrapes may suddenly be more apparent. Nicks and scratches that don’t have a lot of depth can normally be rubbed out. Simply point a hair dryer at these while you work your fingers over them to melt the surrounding dye over the scratch.
Deeper cuts may require an oil-based leather conditioner. Simply place a little bit on the cut or on your fingers, and use your fingertips to rub it over the spot and smooth away the scratch. Keep in mind that if you plan on dyeing your leather handbag, it may be best to save the conditioning for afterwards.
Step 3: Dye and polish
Now comes the most important part of the process. This is your opportunity to switch up the appearance of your bag. Keep in mind it’s very difficult to dye a black leather handbag a lighter or more vibrant color. Brown leather bags can be dyed oxblood or brown, while tan and beige leather bags can take on almost any other color.
Make sure to purchase a leather dye kit for this process, as they come with special applicators and dyes and you can’t use just any kind of dye for this. Use the applicator (or a small paintbrush) to paint dye into the edges and seams first, gradually working your way inward.
Give this first coat some time to dry. After a couple of hours, take a makeup sponge or the sponge from the kit to spread a second layer of dye across the surface of the bag. It may take up to three or four coats for the color to really show, so be patient, and always allow 1-2 hours of dry time between coats.
Step 4: Develop a care routine
Once your handbag is completely dry, you’ll relish in its restored appearance for some time. It may not be long until you start being careless with it again, however. Make sure to establish a solid maintenance routine for your revived leather purse.
To keep restorations minimal, you should wipe your handbag down with a lint-free cloth and leather cleaner (or the warm water and soap solution) once a week – especially if you use it on a daily basis. Always wipe in the direction of the grain to really get any dirt and grime off.
Don’t ever use chemically-laden products or traditional cleaners (like Windex or Pledge) to clean the surface of your purse. These will strip it of the dye and conditioner.
Ink or oil stains should be attended to right away. You can use rubbing alcohol, hairspray, or nailpolish remover to rub these out.
Lastly, keep your bag away from direct light. If you place our purse in front of windows or bright sunlight, it will fade. So, the best way to store it is in a dust bag and in your closet, where the elements can’t weather it. The better care you take of your purse, the more like-new it’ll continue to look, and the less you’ll have to spend on replacements.