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5 Products That Will Help You Get Rid of Blisters

Blisters are small pockets of watery fluid that mainly appear on your feet. Blisters can be really annoying and painful but there’s no need to stress because these 5 products can help heal and get rid of your blisters fast.


Here are the 5 products that will help you get rid of blisters:

1. Gel Deodorant

Blisters are often caused by friction and moisture. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly and then apply some gel deodorant directly on your feet to reduce friction.

2. Band-Aid

A new pair of shoes can also cause blisters on your feet. Band-Aids can help you prevent blisters when you’re wearing your new, favorite shoes.
If you already have a blister, be careful how you put the Band-Aid. Leave some space between the blister and the Band-Aid.

3. Green Tea

Green tea has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and can help your blisters heal faster. Prepare a cup of green tea and add some sodium bicarbonate in the cup. Dip a cotton ball into the green tea mixture and apply it directly on your blister.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties and can prevent infections. Mix some apple cider vinegar with water. Apply the mixture directly on your blisters using a cotton ball.

5. Castor Oil

Castor oil will help you get rid of your blisters in a minute. Apply castor oil directly on your blisters.

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