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6 Essential Tips for Healthy Skin

With the fall season in full swing, it’s more important than ever to come up with your own simple, but effective skincare routine. After all, who wouldn’t want to maintain a glowing and youthful complexion? It is easier to take care of your skin and maintain your young, healthy appearance now rather than trying to undo years of damage later. Of course your skincare regime might not be the same as your best friend’s routine, but here are six essential tips to incorporate into your own beauty plan.


Drink Lots of Water

The number one, most scientifically proven and natural way to maintain a healthy complexion is to drink tons and tons of water. Water will not only supply your body with essential hydration, but it will also make a noticeable difference in the appearance of your skin in terms of reducing acne and signs of aging. If you have acne-prone skin, the best advice for you is to add more water to your diet, as it can help fend off breakouts by decreasing the concentration of oil on your skin. Hydrated skin also makes you look plumper and brings out a youthful glow, which means you can drink those under-eye wrinkles away.

“Juice” at Least Once a Day

Remember when your mom would tell you not to skip out on your fruits and veggies? Well, that will still apply to you no matter what age you are. Most of us tend to think that juicing is a habit for the overly health-obsessed. However, juicing doesn’t have to be so depressing when you use your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Freshly made raw juices can have a remarkable effect on your skin’s tone and texture over time. Natural foods like carrots, beets, cucumbers, pineapples, tomatoes, lemons, and apples are packed with nutrients like antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins, which all do miracles for skin health.

Wear Sunscreen

Remember the days when tanning was cool? Well if you’re over your 20s you’ve probably figured out by now that tanning does nothing good for your skin. That’s why sunscreen is a must and you should never leave your house without having it on. UV protection is essential to healthy skin and will prevent the signs of aging and skin discoloration, not to mention that it also protects against skin cancer.

Always Remove Makeup

Sleeping with makeup is something that happens to all of us, but it’s definitely not a wise thing to make a habit of. Makeup can do wonders in making your skin look beautiful, but once you hit the bed, be sure to use makeup remover and cleanse your face twice. Not clearing your face of cosmetics can cause damage to your skin by leading to collagen breakdown, aging skin, clogged pores and pimples, and dry skin.


As we age our cell turnover rate slows down, which means that your skin won’t be able to produce new skin cells as fast. This could cause dry patchy flakes or even breakouts. It’s important to exfoliate 1-2 times a week to ensure that the dead skin cells don’t build up on the surface of your skin.


Finally, moisturizing daily is another crucial step in order to keep your skin glowing and youthful, especially if you’re prone to dry skin. Invest in a good face moisturizer, and make sure you never use hand or body lotion as a substitute. It may be tempting on a lazy day, but those lotions have a heavier consistency and contain fragrances that will irritate your delicate facial skin.

We all have our own skincare concerns, but these six tips will help you to improve your skin, no matter what type it is. When looking for the best skin care products, be sure to look for ones that are natural.