If you want to burn 1000 calories fast, this is the perfect article for you. If you’re struggling with losing weight, then you know that it can be a difficult experience. Exercising is extremely important when it comes to losing weight, but sometimes it can be difficult choosing the right exercises for you.
These incredible exercises can help you lose 1000 calories and help you lose weight faster than any other exercises! So put on your exercising gear and let’s start!
Here are the 6 exercises that can make you burn 1000 calories:
1. Jumping rope
It might sound a bit childish, but jumping rope is a very efficient exercise that can help you improve your cardiovascular health and bone density. Jumping rope will help you strengthen your feet and ankles and decrease the risk of injury. You’ll burn a lot of calories while having so much fun! If you want to burn 1000 calories, all you need to do is rope jumping for 50 minutes.
2. Running
Running is the most intense form of exercise, and also the most popular one. 90 minutes of running can make you burn 1000 calories. On the other hand, running can be really difficult for beginners, so make sure you take breaks whenever you get tired.
3. Bicycling
It’s one of the most fun form of exercising. Bicycling will improve your cardiovascular health, improve your posture, flexibility and strength and also make you burn lots of calories. You can burn 1000 calories by bicycling 1 hour and 45 minutes.
4. Interval training
Interval training is when you switch between 2 exercises while working out, one exercise has to be high intensity while the other a low intensity. The most known form is run-walk intervals. If you choose the run-walk intervals, you need to do it for 1 hour and 40 minutes, to burn 1000 calories.
5. Burpees
It’s the most popular full-body exercise that will train every single muscle in your body. The burpee will also improve your cardiovascular health and help you burn lots of calories. Since the exercise is with very high intensity, we don’t recommend burning 1000 calories doing just burpees. Add the burpee to your everyday exercising routine, to help you burn more calories.
6. Jump squats

Exercise guide by Woman doing squat jump in 3 steps in side view for strengthens entire lower body. Illustration about workout.
These high-intensity, calorie-burning jump squats are great for strengthening your legs and your core. Just try doing 3 sets of 10 jump squats with about 30 to 60 seconds pause between sets. Once you are done with jump squats go on with your workout to complete burning your calories.