Looking for tips on how to have lower stress and more happiness in your life? Here are her tips to bring mindfulness into your life and be happier everyday:
Start each day with a grateful heart.
Starting every morning with a gratitude journal, (either online or in a journal) for what you are grateful for. This sets the tone for the day, and you will appreciate things you may not have noticed before.
When you are stressed out, take a deep breath for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4. Breathe in light and love; breathe out whatever is troubling you.
Look to your dreams.
Dreams are your subconscious mind at work. A dream journal can help you remember, and you may want to take note of recurring dreams and see how it fits in to your life.
Spend some time in nature.
Connecting with nature is the easiest way to feel grounded. Even if you are in a big city, find a nearby park or jogging path, and experience Mother Nature.
Surround yourself with positive people.
Do you ever feel totally drained after hanging out with someone? That’s called an energy vampire. And here is a secret: you don’t need them in your life. It doesn’t matter if you have been friends since you were 5, if you are not changing and growing as a person, you aren’t really living. Surround yourself with positivity and see how your friendships change.
Self care.
Be good to yourself. Do little things like take a lavender-infused hot bath, indulge in essential oils, read a good book or get a massage. Take care of yourself.
Pay it forward.
Being nice doesn’t cost a cent. Smile at a stranger, hold a door open for someone, and even pay a toll for the person behind you. You will be surprise how a small act of kindness can make such a difference in another person lives.
All it takes is 5 minutes to quiet your mind and center your thoughts. Need help? Check out apps like Calm and headspace.
Author: Kimberly Fisher is a Lifestyle Expert + Mindfulness Coach based in NYC. She currently works over several multi-media platforms, including print, on-camera and live events. She is dedicated to bringing mindfulness to everyday living and helping others live their best lives. You can find out more about her at www.KimberlyFisher.com.