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Forget the Shaving-New Technique for Soft Smooth Underarms

Forget shaving, waxing, torching your armpits with razor machines, and try the new technique to get rid of unwanted hair under your arms. This treatment is called microwaving, and it is just like many other laser treatments, but results in soft, smooth and hair free armpits.


What is Armpit Microwaving?

This procedure, the Miradry or as we call microwaving has become the first FDA approved one of a kind technology to give you ultra-smooth and soft under arms. The process helps you to get rid of the unwanted armpit hair completely and also helps to control sweating! Armpit microwaving works equally well on all types of skin and hair under your armpits.

When this procedure is taken, doctors use a machine that looks like a tattoo machine. Temporary lines are drawn on your skin, which helps to guide the underarm. Then, an anesthesia is given to not feel the pain. The whole process takes about an hour and the results are smooth, sweat-free underarms.

Before starting with this new technology, first consult  dermatologist. This procedure is trending among those who have irritated or uneven skin under the arms.

Side Effects

While most of those who have tried this procedure have enjoyed the results after microwaving their armpits, some have reported that it can be minor pain and redness after the procedure. However, there is a specific ointment you should be using after the procedure.