Rosewater is an ingredient often found in facial toners and mists that cleanses, hydrates, refreshes and soothes. Nutrition gurus are now turning this tonic into a healthy beverage, but the main question is: Can rosewater have similar effects when it’s ingested?
Let’s see what are the beauty benefits you can get from rose water!
Rosewater is your skin’s best friend.
“Because it’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial—meaning it simultaneously treats redness and irritation that can crop up after a hard sweat session and kill any lingering bacteria that might cause breakouts, it’s great for stashing in your gym bag,” says Michelle Pellizzon, a certified health and wellness coach at Thrive Market.
Spritz on some rosewater on your face after you wash it to get the best results.
Healthy Bonus
As we already said, nutrition gurus are taking a new look at rosewater and are testing whether ingesting it can make you healthier.
“It’s rich in vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E, all important for your health and skin,” says Amanda Goldfarb, R.D.
Pellizzon explains that rose essential oils were used ages ago for treating insomnia and to deepen hypnotic states.
“Turns out that rose oil does relax us. So sipping rose water could definitely help you fall asleep more easily or feel better during a stressful workday. Also, the antioxidants found in rosewater help fight the causes of chronic illness, early-onset symptoms of aging, and mental degeneration,” says Pellizzon.