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Fighting Fumes – 6 Tips For Regaining Your Lust For Life

Most of us have times in life where we are simply drained.

Drained of inspiration, drained emotionally, and drained physically. We walk around zombie like, moving from activity to activity, never really enjoying what we’re doing. We can feel like we’re never able to get ‘on top’ of things. As a lifestyle coach, I see many people who complain of being exhausted or not enjoying life to its full potential. So, if you lack the energy and enthusiasm for a fulfilling existence, here are some tips to help you get the life you deserve.


1. Get enough quality sleep

There’s a reason sleep deprivation is used as torture.

It’s as vital as air or water, and not getting enough of it can affect us mentally and physically. We spend a great deal of our life in our bed so invest in one that is comfortable, and sheets that relax you and you love to be in.

If you have trouble sleeping look at your mattress, Koala Mattress has a range of ‘zero disturbance technology’ mattresses which are not only amazingly comfortable, they’re great if you bed share so as you don’t feel eachothers movement. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, which you can find online, or utilise the many cd’s and apps with sounds and soothing voices specifically designed to help lull you to sleep. Train your body with a set bedtime and stick to it.

2. Be present

Think about where you want to be tomorrow, a week from now, a year from now, and ten years from now. What do you really enjoy in life, and how can you get to the future you envision? Have a written plan, because putting something down in words and reaffirming it is imperative if you have goals in life, and having something to look forward to in itself brings joy.

Most importantly, thinking ahead also puts perspective into the ‘now’.

There’s a great book I recommend to my clients called The power of now’ that can channel your thinking positively.  Focusing on the joys around you, and being present in each moment helps you avoid that mental loop of worries and persistent thoughts that we sometimes get caught in when we daydream.

3. Exercise

It seems counterintuitive, but if you’re tired or lack motivation, getting out and exercising will give you more energy and enthusiasm in the long run. It will improve your mood (as well as your waistline) and help you to think more clearly. If you don’t want to invest in a gym membership or don’t enjoy exercise, there are an infinite amount of team sports and activities you can do so that you won’t feel like you’re exercising, and you might make some new friends along the way. Find sports clubs in your local area that you have an interest in, or try something new.

4. Eat Mindfully

We’re all sick of the old adage ‘you are what you eat’, but today when everything is filled with hidden ingredients that rob our body of nutrients and energy, it’s never been more true.

Unhealthy food can make or break your day.

I’m not talking about just fats, but sugar, allergens, artificial flavours and colourings which rob you of energy and leave you tired. Always stick to fresh, whole foods wherever possible and your body will thank you.

Too much coffee and other stimulants can wreak havoc on your system and can lead to adrenal fatigue, which will likely leave you sick and exhausted. While you borrow energy from these short term fixes, they take more than they give, and leave you burnt out. Stimulants and sugar wear down your body in the long-term.

5. Saying ‘No’

We all get into the habit of doing things and seeing people we don’t necessarily enjoy. Because we are people pleasers by nature, we commit to things that are more than we can comfortably take on. If you are feeling burnt out, try to unload your plate by saying no to things that don’t truly bring you enjoyment, rather than reluctantly agreeing and becoming resentful.

6. …and saying ‘Yes’

While not taking too much on, trying new things is imperative for keeping you uplifted. You have to learn what will give you energy and what will drain it. Things that excite or scare you, should generally be in your ‘Yes’ category, whereas things you do out of obligation or out of habit you need to practice saying ‘No’ to. The same goes for people, objects and routines, if it’s not good for you, toss it, make room in your life to say yes.

Life is way too short to feel less than wonderful. Whilst everyone’s reasons for feeling lacklustre will be different, the above rules to regaining your enthusiasm for life are tried and true. Your happiness is in your hands alone, starting today try to incorporate these rules into your life and watch it transform.  Staying mindful to take care of yourself will improve your energy, and ultimately, your happiness.