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Choosing an Effective Weight Loss Program

It is very hard to lose weight and keep it off. With majority of the people in developed countries being overweight and borderline obese, it has become increasingly important to formulate weight loss programs that are effective. In line with this demand, there are too many fad weight loss programs promising all manner of things. It is important to choose the right weight loss program that is safe and effective. Too much dieting is harmful to your health and general well-being.

Read on to find out just what to look for when choosing a weight loss program that is both safe and effective.

Involve Your Doctor in Your Weight Loss

Before settling on a weight loss program, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor is best placed to give you advice on what program would work for you because he / she is aware of your medical history. Your doctor is aware of any medication that you may be taking that may hinder your weight loss efforts. He is also best placed to advise on the physical activity that you may undertake given your medical history. Since he is in the medical field, he may even recommend a registered dietician that you may use in your journey.

What Are Your Expectations and Preferences

Before visiting a weight loss clinic, it is very important to be in line with your preferences. Your preferences and expectations go hand in hand because there is no one diet that will be ideal for everyone who tries it. Often times it may have to be adjusted or tailor made to suit your preferences. Some of the factors that one can put into consideration would be:

Past experiences with diets – How committed were you?

  • Ethnic / cultural limitations when it comes to food
  • Your budget – some programs can be quite expensive

Weight loss program check list

Safe and successful weight loss programs should include some or all of the following:


This is information about the program itself and about the possible effects of the weight loss. This information may also be about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is best to be armed with all the information that you need in order to make an informed choice before settling.

Slow and Gradual Weight Loss

Effective weight loss is supposed to be gradual and realistic. Anything else is a fad and it is harmful. Any program that promises an unrealistic weight loss of e.g.20 kgs in 2 weeks is a fad and should not even be considered by anyone who is serious about weight loss.


A successful and effective weight loss program should be inclusive of all the foods from the major food groups and not be limiting. The diet should also be one that contains foods that are easily available. The foods in the diet should also be foods that you like as an individual because it is very hard to stick to eating food that you do not like.


There should be exercise in an effective weight loss program, to supplement the diet. Chances of maintaining the weight loss are even higher when you incorporate physical activity into the program.

In summary, the most important aspect that determines the effectiveness of a weight loss program is that one that gets to lose weight and maintain the weight loss. It’s as simple as that. No matter which program one settles for, it is highly important to ensure that the people running the program are professionally trained personnel who know matters about weight loss. Lastly, the program should include a dietician, a physical trainer, a counselor and a nutritionist.