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12 Things Your Poop Says About Your Health

We all have learned to observe our body through detailed observation, and understand our body signs better, so we know that ignoring our body leads to a problem that can surpass solving, and we don’t want that, don’t we?

Now we’re talking about the colors that our body releases, and yes, that is the color of our poop. The color of the poop can give us information of the inner body balance or imbalance, and what exactly your body is dealing with.

Poop Color

White, gray or clay-colored poop indicates a lack of bile. It’s also connected with the gallbladder and the liver, because these are the organs where bile is produced and stored. This colors can mean blocked bile ducts, gallstones and cirrhosis. Also, white mucus on brown stool can be a sign of Crohn’s disease.


A green stool means that you’re consummating vegetables that are rich in chlorophyll (like spinach) or green food dye in drinks and meals, or also iron supplements.

If this is not the case with you, it means that the food didn’t pass the digestive tract entirely, it actually passed too quickly and didn’t have the time to get enough bile and bilirubin.


Yellow poop can indicate blocked bile ducts and poor fat absorption, the other reasons can be lack of enzymes that are produced in the pancreas, which can be linked with:  chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease, and cystic fibrosis. But yellow poop also can be a sign of yellow food dye or eating too many carrots.


Black poop can indicate that we intake medicines, like aspirin, ibuprofen or iron supplements, or something a little bit worse like bleeding in your intestines. But if you’re sure that this might not be the case for you, food dyes also give the darkest poop shade, also blueberry, licorice and other black and blue foods.


This can be linked to your diet and the meals you’re consuming, beets, red food dye, tomatoes, food that contains red color often colors the poop in that shade. But, maybe it’s time to visit the doctor. Red can also be traces of blood in your stool and that is an alarming sign. It can be an anal fissure, but it can be something way more serious, like  hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, or even cancer. Visit the doctor!

Poop Shape
Shape #1

Appearance: Separated solid lumps, looks like goat feces

Meaning: Severe constipation; your body lacks fiber, to fix this, try to consume more fiber-rich products like whole-wheat pasta, lentils and raspberries

Shape #2

Appearance: Large, lumpy, sausage-shaped

Meaning: Constipation; your body lacks fiber, but also means lack of physical activity and the advice is to eat more fruits and vegetables

Shape #3

Appearance: Sausage shaped but cracked one

Meaning: Normal stool; you’re doing fine, try to drink water a little bit more!

Shape #4

Appearance: Soft, without lumps, long and smooth

Meaning: Perfect stool, congrats!

Shape #5

Appearance: Lumps, like goat feces but with smooth edges

Meaning: Light diarrhea; this can be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome, try eating more low-fiber foods like crackers, potatoes and bananas

Shape #6


Appearance: Fluffy pieces of poop with ragged edges

Meaning: Mild diarrhea; this can indicate too much fiber in your diet, drink more water to avoid dehydration, and consume more bananas and boiled potatoes

Shape #7

Appearance: Liquid stool, no solid pieces

Meaning: Severe diarrhea; this may be a sign of food poisoning, lactose intolerance, medicine intake or bacterial infection, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and try over-the-counter medicine, if the problem doesn’t stop, contact your doctor