Perhaps you are hosting a charity event, going to be away from your home for an extended vacation, or looking for extra insurance on the grounds of your business. Looking for a security guards company can be an important step to your peace of mind when you can’t be everywhere at once. There are many occasions that security may be required for businesses as well as private residential properties. It just depends on your circumstances and specific needs. For example, if you’re leaving a property such as an office or home vacant for a long period of time, it’s better to invest in empty property security rather than a set of security cameras.
Many insurance companies offer policy discounts on homes and businesses that employ extra security on the premises. But that is only one reason why you may be in the market for a security contractor. With so many companies available for hire, it can be difficult to figure out who is the best and who can meet your needs.
Let us share our simple blueprint plan to help you narrow down your search for the right security team for you. Having a plan when beginning your search will make things go much smoother and faster, and lead you in the right direction with confidence.
Know Your Security Needs
You should have the answers to the following questions ready before deciding to contact a security company. Many companies specialize in certain types of security so this may help you narrow down your choices.
- Are you looking for full-time on-site security or part-time monitoring?
- Will guards require any special skills during their shifts?
- Do you know how many personnel you are looking to hire?
- Are you looking for off-site monitoring or on-site patrolling?
- Are you hosting a one-time event that requires entrance security?
- Is the security for a commercial business (for example, office security or construction site patrol) or a personal property?
Get To Know the Background of the Company
Customers need security for all kinds of reasons, and the specialty services that security companies offer need to complement your needs. Find out what types of services and qualifications each company has to better serve you.
- Do any personnel have a military background?
- How long has the company been in business?
- What is the average rate of employee turnover?
- What is the average length of experience of employees?
- What is the company’s training and/or certification requirements for their employees?
Get Several References
The best feedback about any company comes directly from their past customers. Get an immediate feel for a contractor by reading what their own clients have to say about them. Do your research.
- Every reputable security company should have an available website that can be found online.
- Check out customer reviews on and off their website.
- Ask for direct customer references apart from their reviews.
- Contact your local business bureau to investigate any reported problem.
- Ask to see employee police clearances on prospective guards.