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First Impressions Count

I realise that this could be viewed as pretty darn contentious issue but I thought I would raise the issue nonetheless.  This is not a comment on weight or looks, but more of a comment on the way that you present yourself.  Whether you like it or not, first impressions count.  People judge people on their appearance because before you open your mouth to verify your intelligence the only factor that they can judge you on is how you look.  This can be crucial in job interviews where an interviewer has seen multiple people that day and has been growing more and more bored throughout.   It is also important in day to day life – so what can you do to make sure you make a good first impression.


Fashion permeates right from the bizarre clothing worn on the catwalks and documented in magazines right through to our everyday lives.  You make a statement whenever you are clothed in fashionable garb!  Now clearly it is ‘horses for courses – you cannot turn up to an interview with a law firm in a flannel shirt, that sort of thing is just ignorant.  What you need to do is to make sure that whatever you are wearing fits well, is not creased or dirty and leaves the desired impression.  Males in general neglect footwear far too much, but bear in mind that this is one of the first factors that other people (especially women) take into account when they first meet you.


Yes eye contact is important.  When you meet someone for the first time look them straight in the eyes confidently.  Also take into account other factors.  For example, guys need to think about facial hair, do you need to shave?  Has the designer stubble grown a little too long…does it now look a little straggly?  Do you need a haircut?  These are the things that people judge you on that can be fixed quickly.  There are also more long term fixes, for example teeth.  There really is no excuse having stained teeth in the 21st century.  There is enough publicity surrounding tooth care for everyone to know how important it is, and there is nothing more distracting than talking to someone who has stained teeth.  So get yourself down to your local cosmetic dentist and get a consultation on the treatments available.  Many general dentists also have a cosmetic dentistry arm of the business, for example Family Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry also do braces, teeth whitening, etc.  Remember that your face is what people see when they are talking to you so make sure it is acceptable.

Body Language

There are hundreds of books written on the importance of body language, and I am not claiming to be some sort of body language guru.  However, you cannot discount the power of body language.  So stand straight, don’t hunch, chin up and appear confident….even if you are not.  Get yourself off on the right foot!

So the crux of it is, do not underestimate the power of appearances.  People make judgements, it is just the nature of the world, and one of those judgements will be on your appearance.  Clearly your appearance is going to do the whole job for you and as soon as you open your mouth further judgements will be made on what actually comes out of your mouth, but rest assured that making a good first impression is invaluable.