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8 Things You Shouldn’t Dump Down the Drain

We often dump things in the rain without thinking about the consequences. Do you know what’s allowed and what’s forbidden to be dumped in the drain? Well, we have the answer for you. Continue reading the article to prevent serious issues and prevent clogging!

Here are the 8 things you should never dump in the drain:

1. Hair

Hair is probably the most common thing that clogs the bathroom drain. When hair gets in the drain, it forms a ball which acts like a net for other waste and you end up with a clogged drain. Next time you’re washing your hair, make sure you brush t first and throw the hair in the trash.

2. Flour

When flour and water mix together, they create a glue-like mixture that will clog your drain and cause additional problems.

3. Pasta or rice

Rice and pasta, both absorb water and become bigger in time. It also takes a lot of time for them to get dissolved, which will lead to a clogged drain.

4. Stickers from fruits and veggies

Always throw the stickers in the trash and not down the drain. The stickers have glue on them and are made from material that takes a lot of time to decompose.

5. Condoms

Latex never dissolves and that’s why you should never throw condoms down the drain. Condoms can also get stuck inside the pipe, and get filled with other waste and water which can lead to a serious clog.

6. Cigarette butts

Cigarette filters are synthetic and absorb water, expand and never dissolve. Cigarette butts also contain dangerous chemicals that can contaminate your water supply.

7. Feminine products

Never throw tampons down the drain, because they absorb water and dramatically increase in size and this can lead to serious clog.

8. Medicine

Pills don’t dissolve in water, they rather contaminate it. Don’t throw your medicine down the drain because it can contaminate water and cause clogging.

Source: Bright Side