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What is your favorite type of coffee?

Coffee is good for your heart and it reduces the risk of getting a heart arrhythmia by 18%. Drinking 2 or 3 cups a day you reduce your chances of getting diabetes.



The espresso has more caffeine than any other coffee drink and it’s consisted of 30ml of pure, rich coffee.

The maximum intake a day: 5 cups

It is recommended for: Increasing your energy

Our advice: Drink your espresso 10 seconds after having a meal if you want to really feel  and enjoy the taste.



Macchiato is made from espresso and a small amount of foamed milk.

The maximum intake a day: 5 cups

It is recommended for: Finishing your business lunch with a macchiato will be excellent because it will not cause any trouble to your stomach and it makes your brain cells activate quicker.

Our advice: When you need a coffee and you’re not quite sure of the quality of the coffee that is offered, then order macchiato because the foam will reduce the bitterness of the coffee.



Latte is a coffee drink made from espresso and steamed milk. It comes from the Italian caffè latte, which means coffee with milk

The maximum intake a day: 5 cups

It is recommended for: This type of coffee is good if you’re really hungry, because of the milk proteins in it.

Our advice: Use nonfat/skinny milk, so you reduce your fat intake to 9 grams. Nonfat milk makes enough foam too.



Coffee Mocha takes its name from the town by Mocha in Yemen. Mocha is made from espresso, hot milk and hot chocolate.

The maximum intake a day: 4 cups

It is recommended for: Mocha gives you an energy boost after an exhausting physical activity.

Our advice: You can use white chocolate instead of dark chocolate and If you really want to experience something new, add a little cinnamon and caramel on top of your mocha and enjoy the wonderful taste.



Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink, which is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed-milk foam. The name comes from the Capuchin friars.

The maximum intake a day: 5 cups

It is recommended for: This type of coffee is great in the morning for waking up.

Our advice: If you really want to enjoy this coffee, don’t put a lot of milk because you’ll lose the taste of espresso.