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The Powerful Chia Seed

It helps you fight against free radicals, it makes your skin look shiny, and most importantly it makes you feel amazing. What kind of power is hidden in this miniature seed that people call the greatest super food? Can it really improve your skin?


Chia seed has been used in the Indian tribes for centuries. People today are rediscovering the powers of chia seeds. Chia seed is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It can improve your whole organism and your skin.

Chia seed is the biggest and richest source of omega 3 fatty acids, it even has more fatty acids that fish oil. It contains 30% more antioxidants that blueberries. Chia seed oil is also rich in proteins vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and zinc.

Aside all the benefits we get from chia seed, such as omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, chia seed is also a cure for skin diseases. “Avon Cosmetic” was the first ho discovered the skin benefits from chia, and they were the first cosmetic company that started using chia in the skin care products.

Chia seed can help you stabilize oily and irritated skin, help you fight skin infections and reduces redness. Chia works wonders for people prone to having acne. Chia is also great for people with dry skin because chia can help them maintain your skin hydrated. Chia can improve the quality of the epidermis and itching caused by dry skin.

The antioxidants in the chia seed will help you restore your skin cells and will help you block the negative influence cause by external factors. It can help you slow down the aging process and it improves the overall health condition of the skin cells.

The powers of the chia seed comes from the inside. The omega 3 fatty acids will stop the appearance of acne, wrinkles and will make your skin soft. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can stop inflammation and wrinkles. It makes your skin elastic, smooth and soft. Vitamin B3 is a known to have anti-inflammatory properties and it will help you reduce redness and spots and it will calm your skin.

Zinc can reduce the formation of sebum and it protects your skin from bacterial infections. Zinc is also a key element that helps regeneration of the skin tissue. It also helps your skin heal from acnes and scaring.

Are you wondering if there’s any side-effect from using chia seed? Yes, your skin will have a healthy glow, you’ll forget all about your skin problems and you’ll get an energy boost.

Read more: Seeds, Small but Mighty