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A Swiss Campaign for Protecting Women: Think Twice Before You Judge

Many people judge other people before getting to know them and their judgment is mainly based on the clothes they wear. Women are often being judge on the length of their skirt, their cleavage or heels they wear and that’s why they often get marked as provocative, promiscuous, dull or uninteresting.


One Swiss organization fights for gender equality and is especially vocal about not judging women on the clothes they wear. Their latest campaign contains posters that show of the reality on how women are perceived according to their outfit.

A short skirt doesn’t mean that the girl is promiscuous neither a long skirt means that the girl is prude.  A deep neckline doesn’t mean that the girl is asking for it neither a buttoned down shirt means the girl is boring.

This campaign really brings the attention on stereotypes that are wrong and shows that women need to be protected and not to measure their worth on clothes they wear.


