Meet Mara and Lara Bawar, the two young supermodels from Brasil. Their unique beauty is already taking the fashion industry by storm. The 11-year-old twins from São Paulo, have albinism, a condition that causes a lack of skin and hair pigment. They are not ashamed of their appearance, quite the contrary; they embrace it to the fullest.
The Swiss photographer Vinicius Terranova noticed the Bawar twins in 2016 and photographed the twins – as well as their older sister, Sheila, who does not have albinism for his personal project – Flores Raras (“rare flowers”). Lara, Mara, and Sheila have since been signed to model for Nike, Insanis, and Bazaar Kids. They have also more than 6000 followers on Instagram.
Check out the fabulous albino twin models!
Image credits: Vinicius Terranova