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Amazing Method That Will Help You Lose Weight- Drink More Wine and Lose Pounds

This is for all the wine lovers out there: drinking wine can help burn calories.


Yes, it’s true. Grapes contain resveratrol, an ingredient that turns flab into calorie-burning “brown” fat. One study showed that diets that contain resveratrol can help people fight obesity.

Scientists gave resveratrol to mice and they discovered that the mice gained 40% less weight than the animals that were not fed with resveratrol. The mice turned their excess fat to active “brown” fat. They reduced their weight by burning up calories thanks to resveratrol.

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“Polyphenols in fruit, including resveratrol, increase gene expression that enhances the oxidation of dietary fats so the body won’t be overloaded. They convert white fat into beige fat which burns lipids (fats) off as heat, helping to keep the body in balance and prevent obesity and metabolic dysfunction. We are using resveratrol as a representative for all the polyphenols,” explains the lead researcher Professor Min Du, from Washington State Univesity.

Strawberries, blueberries, grapes and apples are extremely rich in resveratrol.

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“Many of the beneficial polyphenos are insoluble and get filtered out during the wine production process,” says professor Min Du.