As many people already know, snoring is a condition wherein the affected individual creates a loud breathing sound while sleeping. The sound is usually caused by the resistance and turbulence of air created once it reaches the upper airway structures. Such occurrences may be due to structural and physiological problems. One thing that is worth considering in snoring is that individuals who have such condition do not usually know that they are snoring. They will only be aware of such once someone sleeps beside them and tells them that they snore. The sad thing is that many people think that snoring is a normal condition since at least 50% in every population snores. However, this is just one of today’s fallacies. Thus, it is very important that people address their snoring problems and people close to these individuals should make sure that the problem is properly addressed.
The great news is that there are already available products in the market designed to resolve snoring problems. Such products paved the way to a more affordable snoring problem solution, especially for individuals who cannot afford to pay for surgery. A simple and easy-to-use device that has tremendously gain popularity is the anti-snore or stop-snoring mouthpiece or mouth guard. Scientifically speaking, it is called the Mandibular Advancement Device or MAD. Such term is being used because of the way the product works. As an overview, the product is used just like an ordinary mouthpiece or mouth guard. However, it is capable of moving the mandible or lower jaw forward so that the upper airway will be opened,thus, making the user breath better and more comfortably.
Since MADs have been proven to be effective by some professionals and are rated well in many user reviews, the production and manufacturer of such product has also increased. Thus, there are already a lot of brands available in the market. Nevertheless, the best consideration that people should look into when buying one is the approval from the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. Such will ensure that the materials used in producing the product are safe and is of high quality, as well as free from BPA and latex materials. A highly recommended mouthpiece that meets such standard is the Zyppah Hybrid Oral Appliance.
The stand-out feature of the above-mentioned product is the fact that it is the only mouthpiece that has a tongue suppressor device. With such in regard, it does not just open the airway by repositioning or realigning the lower jaw. It also allows more room for air exchange by making sure that the tongue is not blocking the airway. In short, the product works using two mechanisms. Another great thing about Zyppah Hybrid Oral Appliance is that it is not too bulky. Thus, it is very comfortable to wear.
Another anti-snoring mouthpiece that is worth purchasing is ZQuiet. According to , it stands out from the rest of the oral devices because it can easily fit in the mouth without any special procedures or preparations needed. Wearers also no longer have to remove the product when they need to talk and/or drink a cup of any beverages.
The great thing about the two products mentioned above is that their manufacturers are giving money-back guarantee offers.