Some people don’t care about the animal suffering when it comes to buying leather goods. PETA Asia and Ogilvy & Mather Advertising got together in order to change this. They opened a fake shop in one of the trendiest shopping malls in Bangkok and put extremely luxurious leather products on display. What shoppers didn’t know is the terrifying secret hidden inside.
The inside of the shoes, wallets, bags, belts contained fake animal blood and flesh. One bag even had a beating heart inside. When shoppers saw what’s inside the luxurious products, they jumped in horror.
“Every year, at least 440,000 pythons are caught in the jungles of Southeast Asia” They’re cruelly decapitated. Sometimes they’re even skinned alive just to become a trendy item… An average handbag requires the slaughter of not one, but four crocodiles. Does this really have to be the price to pay for yet another bag?”
Source: Bored Panda