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Benefits of a Barre Class

Whether you’re wanting to strengthen your muscles, lose weight, define your figure or just get out for a little while, a Barre class may be for you. They provide entire body workouts that are low impact but high intensity. As it’s a ballet inspired class, the Barre is involved to really get your leg muscles burning and becoming stronger. It’s a fun workout and includes elements of Pilates, yoga and stretching throughout.

The classes include doing high reps with small range movements which helps the legs, bum and core to strengthen and become more defined. You’ll be holding a pose until you can truly feel the burn.

Below are some benefits you’ll get from partaking in a Barre Class:


Exercise is proven to help de-stress people, so if you’re new to exercise or just want to try something new, Barre classes are perfect due to it being low impact. Throughout the class, you’ll be required to focus on your mind on every muscle. You will be taken through a step-by-step guide from the instructor who will explain how to position your body and to concentrate on each breath. Due to having to focus on so many aspects, your mind will be taken off all the stresses of the day and you’ll become more relaxed.


Throughout the class, abdominal muscles are engaged. These are the most important muscle when it comes to posture. When you perform a movement that focuses on your glutes or quads, core muscles will help with stability. A lot of people incur a bad back due to it taking a lot of strain by not having a strong core, so by strengthening your abdominals you will feel a reduced amount of tension in your back as well as even feeling a bit taller!


Struggle with everyday tasks such as bending down to tie your laces? If so, it’s more than likely your flexibility needs to improve and Barre is perfect for that. You don’t need to be incredibly bendy to take part, but because you’ll be doing a considerable amount of stretching throughout, overtime you will begin to notice your movements become easier, the range of movements will improve and you’ll also be less likely to injure yourself. Stretching relieves the stress and tension in your muscles, this making it that little bit easier to move.


Majority of Barre classes are known for their use of isometric contractions and Barre Instructor Training professionals say that the classes consist of an assortment of movements. This is when the muscle is tensed but the length isn’t affected. Holding the pose, you will begin to feel your muscles really working and burning. An example position is the plank. You’ll be holding that same pose as your body begins to shake. This increases durability of the engaged muscles by using the muscle fibres.

Tone up

During a Barre class, muscles are used immensely until fatigue, advancing weight loss and definition. When tiredness of the muscles occurs, they need to rebuild to become strong again; thus using your bodies energy. For your muscle to repair, our body will use carbs and break down fat stores – this is when weight loss happens. In addition to losing weight, the definition of your muscles will be more apparent. Exercising them to fatigue will increase strength, establishing definition.