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Benefits of Drinking Water using Water Filters

You likely already know the benefits of drinking enough water each day, but you might not know that there are specific benefits to using water filters with your drinking water. They fix most of the problems with drinking both straight tap water and bottled water. Here are just a few of the advantages to using a Berkey water filter.

It Can Taste Better

Some tap water does not taste or smell especially good, which doesn’t sound like a major issue until you realize a poor taste discourages you from drinking as much water as you need throughout the day. A water filter can improve the taste of your water and keep you away from unhealthy drinks such as sodas and juices. This also serves to improve your health as proper hydration is linked to improved cognitive function, better sleep, increased weight loss and much more. Investing in a filter may also convince you to drink more water as you might feel a need to use it often enough to get your money’s worth from the purchase.

Impurities Have Been Filtered Out

One of the foremost functions of water filters is to filter out many of the impurities in tap water. This can include treatment chemicals such as chlorine as well as organic contaminants, bacteria, metals and limescale. This ensures the water you are drinking is pure and less likely to contain contaminants, some of which may even pose a health risk. This isn’t just useful for drinking water but also for water used in cooking. Bottled water is not as pure as many people think and much of the time it is no better, or even worse, than tap water. Water bottles can also begin to break down, especially in heat, leeching potentially harmful chemicals into the water inside.

It’s Better For The Environment Than Bottled Water

Using water filters is much better for the environment than buying bottled water. Plastic bottles take around four hundred years to decompose, which means they will be sitting in a landfill for a very long time after you use them just once. The vast majority of plastic water bottles used end up in a landfill or burned, with all the environmental problems those solutions entail. Even if you recycle them, the production process to create them produces carbon emissions and uses petroleum, and the recycling process itself produces more emissions. This can all be avoided simply by installing a water filter.

Saves Money

The cost of continuously buying bottled water makes water filters a far cheaper option by comparison. In fact, bottled water costs two thousand times more than tap water. Over time, this far outweighs the cost of a one-time filter purchase, even a top-of-the-line one, and your regular monthly water bills. That money could be going towards other necessities or something enjoyable, so there is little reason to spend it on water that is likely to be of poorer quality than what a filter can provide. With most people looking to cut back in their budgets and save money, this is an excellent place to do it.

Using water filters as opposed to raw tap water or bottled water is much better for a number of reasons. It’s a happy compromise between the two that can keep you create a healthy lifestyle and save money. There is no doubt that filters are a worthwhile investment in many cases.