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The Best Christmas Gifts for Kids with Sensitivity Issues

It’s that time of year again – the time of year when little boys and girls around the world are on their best behavior so they don’t end up on Santa’s ‘Naughty List’. That time of year when kids of all ages are excited about all things Christmas – gifts, yummy home-made baked goods, and oh yes, more gifts! But what about kids with sensory or sensitivity issues? That can make for a very challenging holiday season. Many traditional gifts that most kids would enjoy may not be suitable for kids with disabilities such as Autism or other sensory-related conditions.  For these children, it’s important that they not feel left out, but feel comfortable and safe with the gifts that are provided. If you’re a parent of a child with sensory issues or are buying a gift for a child with sensory issues, here is a list of gifts that are sure to please this holiday season.


Certain fabrics and clothing with seams (such as socks) can be extremely irritating to children with sensitivity issues. It’s important to keep this in mind when shopping for clothes. Luckily, there are several retailers, both online and offline that offer stylish clothing that both parents and kids are sure to love. Smart knit kids is one such retailer; they carry a wide selection of seamless socks, undies, and tees.

For kids who like visual stimulants

·  Lava lamps/bubble lamps: These are pleasant to look at and can be mesmerizing for both kids and parents! They are available in a variety of shapes and colors.

·  Liquid motion toys: Kids will love to watch the bubbles and liquid move and drip through the shaped toys. They come in many different shapes and sizes, with varying price ranges.

·  Fibre optic lamps: Like lava lamps, they are pleasant to look at as they change color and come in a variety of styles and designs.

·  Newton’s cradle: This is a set of balls that swings back and forth, hitting the other balls in the set, and can be fun for kids to look at. It also teaches them cause and effect.

For kids who like movement:

·  Rope ladder: You can hang this from the ceiling of your child’s bedroom or playroom. This can be incredibly entertaining as well as challenging.

·  Trampoline: This can be a great tool to release all of that pent-up energy and is a perfect outdoor activity. They come in various sizes, so even if you have a small yard you can accommodate a trampoline.

·  Swing chair: These can swing in any direction, and you can twist it all the way around and release it for a fun spinning sensation.


For kids with iPads, there are several apps that kids with sensitivity issues may enjoy. Autism Speaks has a nice choice of apps and can be sorted via age, category, etc. Another great app is called, Speakaboos, which is an interactive story app.

Research suggests that up to 16% of school-age children suffer from a form of sensory processing disorder, and this number continues to rise each year. That’s why it’s so important that we, as parents and adults, do everything we can to support kids with these issues and try to understand what they’re going through. Everything can be a challenge for them, from getting dressed in the morning to having to brush their teeth before bed. Their entire day is full of obstacles, big and small. It’s our job as parents to help alleviate these obstacles.