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The Best Core Exercises For Women

Your complete strength originates from your core. Targeting your core produces more than a tight abs, actually it charges your strength and boosts your metabolism.

This core workout routine gives your waistline a little extra attention and actually can help speed up your total-body results. This 15-minutes abs workout will build up the critical core strength and as a result  you will get those desirable abs. Do the following exercises 3 days a week, moving from one to the next exercise with a little rest after each one or you can rest for 60 seconds between circuits. Repeat for a total of 3 circuits.

Extra Tip: Hold a medicine ball weight that challenges your core during the first few repetitions.

Reverse Wood Chop


Stand up with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and hold a medicine ball above your right knee (a).

Keeping your arms straight, brace your core and stand up, raising the ball diagonally above your left shoulder (b). Then pause and return to the start position. That’s one repetition. Do 5 reps and then switch the sides.

Reverse Lunge Rotate


Extend your both arms, holding the medicine ball at chest height with feet hip-width apart (a).

In one motion, step back with your left foot and bend both knees to lower into a lunge, rotating your torso to the right, bringing the medicine ball above your right shoulder (b). Slowly back up the movement to the start position. That’s one repetition. Do 5 reps and then switch the sides.

Folding Chair


Lie on your back, with raised feet and bent knees at 90 degrees. Put your arms at your sides and off the floor, with your palms facing up (a).

Brace your core and reach your fingertips towards heels, raising your shoulders off the floor, keeping your head neutral (b). Then pause and return to the start position. That’s one repetition, you should make 10.

Ruler Reach


Lie face-up, bend your knees with feet flat on the floor; then extend your left leg and keep it parallel to your right thigh (a).

Brace your core and count to three, then raise your back off the floor, keeping your head neutral and reaching your arms towards the left foot (b). Then pause and slowly roll down. That’s one repetition. Do 5 reps and then switch the sides.