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Category: Fashion and Beauty

Is Perfume Toxic and Bad for You?

The everyday natural aromas fill our life. The smell of the ocean, your mom’s cooking, and the scent of the body. These smells provoke emotions deep within us and connect us to our past or ignite …

Valuable Tips for Wearing Your First Kilt

One of the most well-known pieces of traditional Scottish attire, the kilt is a celebrated icon of Scotland’s rich culture and history. Still, even though many people think of kilts when they think of Scottish …

Believe It Or Not, Makeup for Men Is A Thing Now

Any makeup-obsessed woman (or Kim Kardashian fan) is already familiar with the art of makeup “baking”, but women aren’t the only ones experimenting with this contouring trend. Men all over the world are showing off …

Natural Skin Care Out of Necessity, Not Luxury!

Over thе lаѕt ѕеvеrаl уеаrѕ the роtеntіаl dаmаgе of сhеmісаlѕ thаt are uѕеd іn traditional bеаutу рrоduсtѕ hаѕ piqued the іntеrеѕt оf quіtе a few dосtоrѕ аnd ѕсіеntіѕtѕ. The іnсіdеnсе of аllеrgіеѕ іѕ оn the …

Mineral Cosmetics: The Healthier Version of Makeup

Natural mineral cosmetics are the brilliant creation of nature, and due to their magical prperties, they are already gaining attention of millions of women. Many mineral cosmetics fans would agree that this “new” class of …