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Category: Fitness and Sports Girls

Eight Stylish Shoes for Trendy Souls in 2017

Shoes are an accessory that everyone needs to protect their feet and make roaming around a comfortable experience. For women, the pressure is on to possess stylish shoes that are up-to-date with the latest trends. …

Walking: The New Athleisure

As humans, we are designed to be up, walking, moving, and being active in some way. Our ancestors, the cavemen, were wired to hunt and gather food in order to survive, and our bodies are …

5 Exercises to Help You Get In Shape Fast

These simple exercises will help you get rid of excess weight quickly. Just remember, you should combine them with a healthy balanced diet! Here are the 5 exercises that can help you get in shape in no …

Best Sports For Women

History Of Women In Sports How many female sports persons can you name? Women from all over the world have been constantly slammed and restricted to enter international sport events such as the Olympics. But, …

How to Become a Personal Trainer

You are fit. You love the gym. You can’t imagine life without some form of physical activity. Conversely, you hate any job that has you sitting at a desk, behind a computer screen or wearing …