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Category: Healthy Life Tips

5 Ways To Prevent A Heat Stroke And Stay Cool

Heat stroke is a medical condition that happens when the body can no longer cool itself. This causes the body to suffer from dehydration, because it can’t release internal heat into the environment. Generally, a …

Intermittent Fasting Diet for Beginners

Fasting is an old practice that has existed for many centuries. Many people fast for health or spiritual reasons. Intermittent fasts, open-ended fasts, extended fasts, longer fasts, and occasional short fasts are the most popular …

Is It Ever Too Late To Give Up Smoking?

We all know that smoking cigarettes shortens your lifespan. In fact, one in five deaths in the US is still caused by smoking. From emphysema to COPD to lung cancer, smoking can cause severe and …

5 Foods to Increase Your Sperm Count

Sperm quantity and semen production decline in men for both medical and non-medical reasons. These are the main causes of unfulfilled sexual needs and lack of confidence. A revolutionary supplement that can increase penis size …

Sun Damage – How the Sun Ages You

The sun is a giant ball of hydrogen that’s been burning for 4.6 billion years. Every second, the sun burns through about 600 million tonnes of hydrogen – but don’t worry, it’s not going to …