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Category: Healthy Life Tips

5 Health Screenings Every Woman Should Have

Along with getting enough exercise and eating right, having regular health screenings should be an important part of your routine. Regular health screenings can help catch diseases early and when they’re most treatable, which can …

Women’s Health Issues that We Need to Talk About

Conditions like breast cancer are emblazoned across the news and social media. Which unfortunately means other women’s health problems don’t receive the attention they deserve. We’ve taken the time to focus in on three major …

What Does OCD do to a Person?

There are many myths and misconceptions about OCD. And while we do see a more active effort by the OCD community and media, in general, to help us better understand obsessive-compulsive disorder, the term still …

Collagen is Essential to Your Health

Let’s start with the obvious question: What is collagen? Simply, collagen is a protein. In fact, it is one of the building blocks of the human body, collagen makes up 30% of ALL proteins. Being …