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Category: Healthy Life Tips

Does Glutathione Help in Weight Loss?

Glutathione is a vital antioxidant present in every single cell of your body, and while you may not know the importance, it still does all it has to do for you anyway. Being one of …

8 Foods to Avoid If You Have Arthritis

Arthritis occurs when the body is in an inflammatory state. Food can help you relieve the symptoms, but it can also worsen them and cause some other diseases such as diabetes, obesity and heart problems. …

Top Tips to Get Pearly White Teeth

Your teeth are one of the first things that people notice about you. White teeth will make you look better, but more importantly, they will give you more confidence. It isn’t just the top Hollywood …

Do Genes Determine Who We Become

There’s a certain belief that biological elements largely make up our daily actions and our way of thinking, but there are some who believe in free will. More often than not, we’d love to think …

You Can Get STDs Even While You’re Pregnant

STDs or sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most common infectious diseases and are bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic in nature. It is transferred between partners through oral, anal or vaginal sexual contact hence …