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Category: Healthy Recipes

Try This Delicious Coconut Rice

This meal is an exotic option to include. Its flavor is somewhat different from the more traditional flavors. Take the opportunity to give it a more oriental touch as if it were a Kheer (Indian …

Are you a Mexican Food Lover?

Honestly, Mexican cuisine has everything to make your senses fall in love with it: colourful dishes, a huge variety of ingredients that will make your mouth melt, spices to heat recipes up, vegetables, meat, beans… …

Bring all the Mexican Flavor to Your Kitchen

Mexican cuisine is undeniably one of the best foods worldwide. There is something about Mexican dishes that makes you feel happy and boosts your mood every time you try them. Color, flavor, and appearance transmit …

Eat Yourself Fit The Gordon Ramsay Way

Gordon Ramsay is an internationally renowned chef who is just as famous for what he does outside of his kitchens as he does in them. He has become the ultimate celebrity chef and is a …