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Category: Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope 05.06 – 11.06

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’re ready to embrace new physical experiences with your mate, but in your case, you seem more interested in keeping them practical. This week you and your partner might discuss ways to improve …

Weekly Horoscope 29.05 – 04.06

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Don’t bother talking about your sex life on Monday – you’ll only feel frustrated with any dialogue that transpires. Fortunately any aggravation will pass quickly, and by Saturday you’ll be on fire. Venus …

Weekly Horoscope 22.05 – 28.05

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You might not have the easiest week in matters of the heart. You could find that an untenable power struggle between you and your boss reaches an all-time high near Thursday. In your …

Weekly Horoscope 15.05 – 21.05

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love On Tuesday Mercury enters Taurus, and remains in this steadfast sign until June 6. As a result, you and your sweetheart will find it easier to communicate about the physical side of your …

Weekly Horoscope 08.05 – 14.05

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Real intimacy is possible this week for you and your partner. The kind of physically and emotionally satisfying connection you’ve longed for is something you’ll realize you’ve had the potential to achieve all …

Weekly Horoscope 01.05 – 07.05

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love The week starts off with strong emotions running wild Aries! Luckily the Sun is happy to help reign in your thought processes, which will more than likely get you into trouble. Your mind …

Weekly Horoscope 24.04 – 30.04

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’ll be back in your element this week thanks to Venus moving back into Aries on Friday. Although Venus has been in your sign from February 3-April 2, she turned retrograde after March …

Weekly Horoscope 17.04 – 23.04

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You may feel as if you need to hide your innermost feelings from your mate. Perhaps you’re getting the vibe that he or she won’t approve of one of your dreams if you …

Weekly Horoscope 10.04 – 16.04

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love At last, you and your sweetheart will be able to reach an understanding regarding your relationship and where it’s headed. On Tuesday, A Full Moon in your partnership sector will wake the both …

Weekly Horoscope 03.04 – 09.04

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Remaining quiet about how you truly feel about a spiritual, philosophical, or moral dilemma you and your mate are having could be quite problematic this week. You will most likely keep your feelings …

Weekly Horoscope 27.03 – 02.04

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You’re determined to succeed at life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. But you still have a few kinks to work through in order to fully define what all of this means to …

Weekly Horoscope 20.03 – 26.03

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Love is meant to touch us to the core. We are forever changed by a single romantic experience, and each one tends to color the next one we have. This week, you’ll spend …

Weekly Horoscope 13.03 – 19.03

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love If you’ve been holding back your words lately, that is all about to change. Now, no matter how uncomfortable it makes anyone feel — including your partner — you’ll feel almost compelled to …