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Category: Interesting

Avoiding Pain When Crocheting

Nothing spoils your crocheting fun faster than a hand cramp or pain from a hard project or a long session. If can put you out of commission for several days at a time if it’s …

5 Tips On Your Path To Self-Employment

Although working a regular job has its share of problems, most people seem to cope with them without a major crisis. They find comfort in the repetition. Although their work may be difficult, they don’t …

3 Tips to Help You Read More Books

There is something uniquely satisfying about spending an evening with a book in your hand as you lose yourself in the pages. Unfortunately, most of us have forgotten what that feels like in this digital …

3 Ways to Cater an Amazing Holiday Party

The holidays are coming and people are already planning both corporate and personal parties. Now is the right time to start looking at what you will serve and how you will manage all your guests’ …