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Category: Interesting

Detoxing and the Benefits of Moderation

Our environment introduces toxins into our bodies that affect our well-being. Toxins are present in our air, water, and food and are virtually unavoidable. For optimal health, we occasionally need to set our bodies and …

Weekly Horoscope 25.09 – 01.10

Aries (21.03-20.04)Love Get ready for an electric shock to your love life! This Wednesday Jupiter, now in your partnership sector, will oppose Uranus, now moving through your independent and courageous sign. There might be a sudden …

Take a Dance Class to Get Fit

Who says that exercise has to consist of the same boring old Stairmaster runs and cycling classes? Do something that breaks the routine, and raises your level of commitment because it’s actually fun! Dance is …

5 Health Benefits of Fishing

Just like any other physical activity, fishing is very helpful as it enhances the health of every individual. Fishing is not often considered as an exercise, but a day out on the waters provides unmatched …

Weekly Horoscope 18.09 – 24.09

Aries (21.03-20.04)Love You might start to drive your beau crazy micro-managing every detail about your relationship. If your “honey do” list has truly become out of control, you might want to press the pause button. Don’t …