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Category: Interesting

Cheap Bangkok Attractions

Bangkok is one of the most happening cities in the world. It is also a major tourist attraction. The city caters to people of all tastes. The city also caters to people with all types …

Organising Your Office Christmas Party!

If you’ve been given the responsibility of organising your office Christmas party, it can be a big task, and one that if you get wrong, it will go down in the history of your business …

Is the 40 Hour Workweek Efficient?

We live in a new world where jobs are not easy to come by and if you are employed you are willing to work crazy hours to prove your worth. The problem to this though …

Weekly Horoscope 05.12 – 11.12

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You and a friend might find yourselves in a very sexy encounter this week. It’s easier than ever for friends to become lovers, and if you share mutual chemistry with a pal then …

How do Sleep apps work?

There are a couple of things that you can do when you are on a quest for better sleep quality. Some of these things are: Invest in the right kind of mattress and sleep wear …