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Category: Interesting

Weekly Horoscope 06.06 – 12.06

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Let love bloom. Stop holding back. You know you’re interested, so why play coy? Something new is building at the beginning of the week. Let it take its natural course. You’re an open …

LEGO Saved This Tortoise’s Life

A tortoise named Blade was left paralyzed due to health problems but the vet got an idea how to make his life easier… After noticing her tortoise walking difficult, worried owner Iris Pleste rushed to …

Weekly Horoscope 30.05 – 05.06

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love It’s fun to blur the lines between reality and fantasy in the beginning of the week. Who’s your celebrity crush and what would you do if you actually met him or her? Stranger …

Weekly Horoscope 23.05 – 29.05

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Find a reason to celebrate love. It’s all around you, so why ignore its existence? You’ll find it someday and probably when you least expect it. You have a very busy schedule later …