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Category: Interesting

Weekly Horoscope 22.02 – 28.02

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love Your uncompromising attitude towards life enthuses the people you come into contact with and especially those you care about most, who appreciate the dedication you show. Openness in both your personal and professional …

Meet the Most Adorable Yoga Partners Ever

You might have heard about Rachel Brathen since she’s become such a yoga sensation, but you surely don’t know her new yoga assistant, her goat Penny Lane. Rachel got the goat as a Christmas gift …

Weekly Horoscope 15.02 – 21.02

Aries (21.03-20.04) Love You will be able to build better fortunes for the week. You will be able to cherish happiness and love in family circles, this will give you satisfaction. There will be happiness in …