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Category: Love

5 Ways to Cope with Post-Split Stress

Breaking up with someone you had anticipated spending the rest of your life with can be devastating. Not many people can cope with separation as some indulge themselves in harmful activities such as alcohol and …

How to Improve Self-Love

Loving yourself is one of the most challenging things that you can do. It takes courage to look into the mirror and see your positives instead of your flaws. It also takes strength to make …

5 Online Dating Red Flags to Avoid

Online dating can be a great way to step outside of your comfort zone and meet new people. There are hundreds of success stories where real people met the loves of their lives online. With …

How to Get Out of a Controlling Relationship

True love is all-consuming; however, it isn’t supposed to feel restrictive and manipulative. If your partner is unreasonably overprotective, making irrational demands, and/or putting limits and conditions on your relationship, chances are that you are …