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Category: Parents and Kids

How to Be Both a Mother and a Lawyer

The legal industry doesn’t have the best reputation for being a family-friendly business, particularly when it comes to working mothers who face barriers in law firms and other work environments. This challenging scenario often leaves …

Am I Pregnant? Early Indications of Pregnancy

A missed period is the most common early sign of pregnancy for most women. However, there are other less noticeable signs that may indicate that conception has occurred; these indications may be present even before an over-the-counter …

Pros and Cons of Baby Walkers

New parents are often overwhelmed by how active babies can become within a few months. From just lying in bed and fussing about every once in a while, a baby can quickly transform to a …

The Adventures of the Troubling Toddler

Your baby has officially entered the toddler stage, and he or she is exploring everything. And by everything that means everything. Walking, talking, things they can touch and things they definitely shouldn’t. And you’re learning …

Tips to Get Through Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most incredible periods in a woman’s life, but it comes with its fair share of challenging moments. From the time a woman finds out that she is pregnant down to …

Ways To Enjoy Your Baby’s First Year

You will always remember the first year you spend with your child. It is the most joyful and magical year that you spend together. It is also the most exhausting, but the accomplishment you feel …