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DIY Liquid Laundry Soap

Why spend tons of money on expensive laundry soaps when you can make your own at home? Yes, it’s true, you can make your own liquid laundry soap that will thoroughly clean your dirty laundry and it will save you some money. This homemade liquid laundry soap is highly concentrated and this means that you’ll need a small amount to get your clothes cleaned.


Here’s what you need to prepare your own, homemade liquid laundry soap:
  • 1 cup washing soda
  • 1 cup Borax
  • 1 cup Dr. Bronner’s liquid Castile soap
  • 17 cups water
  • 15 drops of your favorite essential oil

Put 6 cups of water in a saucepan and bring it to boil. Once the water starts to boil, remove it from heat and add the washing soda and Borax. Mix until the ingredients are dissolved.

In a bucket, put the remaining cups of water, liquid Castile soap and the essential oil and stir the mixture. Add the Borax mixture into the bucket and mix everything together. Keep the mixture into a storage container.

Use ¼ cup of the homemade, liquid laundry soap per load of laundry.

Read more: Handmade Natural Soaps