Maggie has been found in Lebanon with 17 gunshot wounds, ear cut off, broken jaw and eyes shout out. The poor 5-year old dog was also pregnant when she was found, tied to a box.
Last year was a lucky year for poor little Maggie because she got rescued by a charity organization-Wild On Hearts. After hearing Maggie’s devastating story, an animal lover from Brighton named Kasey, decided to adopt the abandoned dog and offer her a better life. Kasey organized an online campaign and after 6 months, she was able to transfer Maggie from Lebanon to England.
Maggie’s life is now better than ever. She’s a true inspiration and motivation. The brave Maggie even got a license to be a therapeutic dog. Not to mention, she has become an Instagram star with more than 80.000 followers.
Although Maggie has gone through hell, she’s a normal dog with a happy spirit.