More and more companies are allowing their employees to bring their dogs to work. The Croatian company “Rimac” has started doing this too, and their employees just love it. Some companies have certain rules about who to feed them and where dogs can stay and others allow their owners to decide themselves about this.
The company “Infinum” has three dogs coming to work regularly: Uma, Nera and Eric.
“We’re all young, the atmosphere is great and friendly and dogs just make everything better. When we’re tired and we need some rest, our dogs help us: they jump into our laps, we cuddle, play a bit and we instantly feel better and more relaxed,” says Helen, an employee at “Infinum”.
In “Bruketa&Žinić”, an agency, there are 5 dogs. It all started a few years ago, when one of the employees went on a vacation and didn’t have anyone to leave his gold fish to. He asked his colleagues if they could feed her and they immediately said yes.
In the company “Rimac”, Lina, a Jack Rusell, has been coming to work since day one. There are some rules in this company- dogs only get fed by their owners, they can freely walk in the company and the owner can bring the necessary things the dogs need to it would be comfortable for them.
We just love this incredible idea and we’re hoping that more and more companies will become “pet friendly”!