There isn’t a person on this planet who doesn’t enjoy a nice and relaxing massage. The key to a great massage is a good massage therapist who knows the right techniques and a great massage bed that will support your body throughout the glorious experience. We can’t help you with massage therapist, but we can recommend the greatest massage table that exists. The massage bed is so great, that’s even perfect for professional masseur. You can enjoy the incredible massage bed thanks to Costoffs.
Costoff’s prices are super affordable, they offer free shipping, multiple payment methods and premium quality. Costroff has a wide range of products, from furniture, pet supplies, garden supplies, beauty and makeup tools, but one of Costroff’s pride and joy is the adjustable 3 fold portable massage spa bed therapy that will give you the ultimate massage experience. Just one glimpse at the product and I guarantee you’ll fall in love in the gloriously designed massage bed, especially if you’re a massage lover. It’s made non-woven fabrics, sponge and PVC while the legs are made from beech wood. The sponge inside the bed is 5 cm/2inches and the whole bed weighs 17. Kig/38.1 pounds. The maximum load bearing is 250kg or 551.2 pounds, which is awesome. The adjustable 3 fold portable massage spa bed is foldable and portable. It’s designed to be foldable which means you can carry it around with you anywhere. The massage bed turns into a portable case in just a few seconds, making it super easy to transport it and even store it in our home. The incredible looking bed has a removable armrest, hand pallet and head rest. This means that you can remove them anytime you don’t need them and put them back in, if you do.
Another great thing is that the headrest is adjustable for different heights and angles. The headrest adopts quick-fix locking device, through which the angle can be adjusted. The height of the massage bed can also be adjusted. It can be adjusted from 25.2 inches to 33.7 inches. There are two twisting adjustment knobs on each leg for eight different heights. The massage bed is so perfect that we even recommend it to professional massage therapist. If you are a professional, looking for the perfect massage bed, that’s portable, top quality, and can be easily transported from one location to another, you don’t need to look anymore, because this is truly the greatest product you could ever purchase and enjoy its benefits.
Yes, there are thousands of different massage beds on the marker, but you’ll never find a better massage bed for this price. Another amazing thing is that you don’t even need to leave the house to get it, because Costoff will make sure to deliver it in front of your doorsteps. The shipping is free, and in just 10-15 business days, you’ll have the massage bed in your home.
COSTOFFS was founded in 2020, an e-furniture brand that focuses on home and office furniture. They are dedicated to producing reliable furniture with versatile uses and timeless looks at a reasonable price. They promise to bring their customers the best products and shopping experience at an affordable price.