Most people with eye bags do not need a specific treatment, but then, it’s a cosmetic concern. Several treatments and lifestyle adjustments can lessen or cure swollen eyes. However, if your under-swelling if giving you problems, you may consider surgical treatment. Treatments done to enhance your look may not need medical insurance cover. So, here’s more you should know about bags under the eye
Allergy can be the cause of swelling under your eye. This may require some allergy medications to reduce the swelling.
Treatments or therapies
Those with swollen under-eyes can use numerous wrinkle remedies to uplift their look. Such treatments range from chemical peels to laser resurfacing.
For an even skin tone and tight skin, treatments such as chemical peels and fillers can be of help. These eye bag removal treatments also revitalize the appearance of bags under your eyes.
Eyelid surgical treatment
Your doctor needs to know the cause of bags under your eye. Cambridge Therapeutics, clinic in Singapore treats some bags under the eye through eyelid surgery known as blepharoplasty. This is a treatment option whereby your physician eliminates extra fat of your upper, inside, or lower eyelid. Your specialist will then join your skin using dissolving stitches. Fortunately, this procedure is an outpatient one and corrects bags under the eye.
Blepharoplasty also repairs the following:
- swollen top eyelids
- Additional top eyelid skin. An extra upper lid will interfere with your vision.
- Tired out lower eyelids. Droopy eyelids cause white to appear beneath the iris, which is the colored eye part.
Lower eyelids with excess skin
It’s critical to know the side effects of eyelid surgery before going through it. Your doctor will take you through post-surgery effects like dry eyes, blurry vision, swelling, and more. Rare life-threatening complications may include corneal abrasion, bleeding, infection, and more.
Bugs under-eye home remedies and lifestyle
Here are some tips you can use to remove or lessen bags under the eyes:
- Get adequate sleep of up to seven to nine hours, especially for adults.
- Quit smoking to prevent bags under the eye from intensifying
- Do not take fluids immediately you’re about to go to bed. Also limit salt in your food to prevent fluid accumulation, which causes bags under the eyes.
- Use a cool compress under your eyes to lessen the pressure caused by swelling. It will help you achieve temporary relief since blood vessels will constrict quickly.
- When you sleep, slightly raise your head to avoid fluid accumulation around your eyes.
- Use prescription medication if you are reacting to cosmetics or soap. Your doctor will also take you through bags under eye prevention measures. Or, you can use makeup to cover your under-eye circles.
There are countless remedies in the market claiming to cure bags under the eye, but truth is, it may not work. The best thing is to talk to your doctor to know what’s causing the condition and get the right eye bag removal Treatments. However, some swelling and discoloration of the eye respond well to treatment at home. Cambridge Therapeutics, the clinic in Singapore offers long term remedies such as laser therapy, chemical peels, and injectable fillers, which treats puffy eyes. These treatments are usually repeated for better results.