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Five Natural Ways to Fight Insomnia

Insomnia can be a relentless foe, impacting not just the night but also the days by sapping energy, mood, and overall quality of life. While medications are commonly used to manage sleeplessness, many are turning to natural remedies to combat insomnia.


Let’s explore five effective natural methods to help soothe your nights and reclaim your days.

1. The Power of Hemp Flower

Hemp flower rich in cannabinoids like CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBN (Cannabinol), is gaining popularity as a natural sleep aid. Unlike its psychoactive cousin THC, CBD does not induce a “high,” making it an appealing option for those looking for rest without side effects. Research indicates that CBD may help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which are essential in preparing the body for sleep. For example, a study published in the Permanente Journal found that CBD significantly improved sleep within a month in 67% of participants [1].

CBN is another cannabinoid that has been studied for its sedative qualities. Though research is still in its early stages, preliminary studies suggest that CBN might help prolong sleep time. Hemp flowers that are high in both CBD and CBN can be used in various forms such as oils, capsules, or even as dried flowers for smoking or vaping. Always ensure that you source your hemp from reputable suppliers to guarantee purity and compliance with local regulations.

2. Warm Bath or Sauna

A warm bath or a session in the sauna can do wonders for insomnia. The heat helps relax the muscles and ease tension, which is often a precursor to sleep difficulties. Beyond muscle relaxation, the rise in body temperature followed by a gradual cooling can help signal the body that it’s time to sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, bathing 1-2 hours before bedtime in warm water can improve sleep quality by helping people fall asleep more quickly and increasing deep sleep [2].

Incorporating aromatherapy into your warm bath can enhance the sleep-inducing effects. Essential oils such as lavender, bergamot, and sandalwood are known for their calming and soothing properties. Adding a few drops of these oils to bath water or a sauna steam room can create a relaxing atmosphere that further promotes readiness for sleep. The combined effect of warm water and calming scents not only relaxes the body physically but also quiets the mind, making it easier to transition into a peaceful sleep.

3. Cutting Out Caffeine

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas and medications. It blocks the action of a natural brain chemical that is associated with sleep, thereby increasing alertness and delaying the timing of the body clock. Eliminating caffeine, especially in the hours after midday, can help minimize its sleep-disrupting effects. Research suggests that even caffeine consumed 6 hours before bedtime can significantly worsen sleep quality [3].

Additionally, the process of cutting out caffeine should be gradual to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and irritability, which can temporarily disrupt sleep further. Instead of quitting abruptly, try reducing your caffeine intake slowly. For instance, you could start by mixing decaffeinated coffee with regular coffee and gradually increasing the ratio of decaf. Also, consider switching to herbal teas that are naturally caffeine-free and have calming properties, such as chamomile or peppermint, which can help soothe the body and prepare you for sleep.

4. Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity is another effective method to combat insomnia. Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. It also helps regulate the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythms, promoting daytime alertness and helping bring on sleepiness at night. According to a study in the journal Sleep Medicine, people who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week experienced a 65% improvement in sleep quality [4].

It’s important to note, however, that timing is crucial when it comes to exercise for better sleep. Engaging in high-intensity workouts too close to bedtime can actually have the opposite effect, increasing alertness and making it harder to fall asleep. The best time to exercise is in the morning or afternoon. This can help speed up your metabolism early in the day, leading to increased energy levels during the day and tiredness at night. Yoga, in particular, can be a useful exercise for those struggling with sleep issues as it combines physical activity with relaxation techniques.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can profoundly impact sleep by reducing stress, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts – common culprits of insomnia. Techniques such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia (MBTI) have been shown to significantly improve sleep quality and duration. Regular practice of meditation enhances the regulation of stress hormones and improves relaxation, thereby facilitating a quicker onset and a deeper quality of sleep.

Further enhancing these practices, guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation are also potent tools within the meditation spectrum that can aid in combating insomnia. Guided imagery involves visualizing a peaceful scene or environment, which can shift your mental state away from the stressors that prevent sleep. Progressive muscle relaxation, on the other hand, involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body, promoting physical relaxation that mirrors mental release. These techniques can be particularly effective when practiced during pre-sleep routines, setting a calm stage for the mind to ease into restful slumber.

Natural Solutions for a Restful Night

Combating insomnia naturally involves a holistic approach to both mind and body. From the soothing properties of hemp flower with its beneficial cannabinoids like CBD and CBN, to lifestyle adjustments such as cutting out caffeine and incorporating regular exercise, these methods provide a foundation for better sleep. Additionally, practices like warm baths and mindfulness meditation not only enhance sleep quality but also improve overall well-being. By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you can enjoy a more restful night’s sleep and a more vibrant, energetic day.

[1]: “Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report,” Permanente Journal. [2]: “Bathing Before Bed: How a Warm Bath Can Help You Sleep,” Sleep Foundation. [3]: “Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours before Going to Bed,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. [4]: “Physical Activity and Sleep: A Good Pair for Health,” Sleep Medicine.